The reason for the deterioration of engine oil is explained in two parts.
Chemical Deterioration of Oil: Engine oil gets very hot when the engine is running. The minerals in the oil are oxidized by combining with the oxygen in the air at high temperatures. In addition, other chemical substances formed as a result of combustion during work combined with the oil to form organic acids. The engine oil loses its feature due to oxidation and acid effect, causing abrasion, oxidation, and gum formation (resin) on the parts, causing the rings and valves stuck in their sockets.
Physical Deterioration of Oil:Dust in the air entering the cylinder at the suction time, soot formed after combustion and other intermediates, chips arising from the wear of parts, and gasoline or diesel oil in the gases that escape to the crankcase cause pollution and deterioration of its properties. Even if the oil filter cleans some of the particles in the oil, it will not be sufficient in time. Due to these reasons, the
engine oil deteriorates.Therefore, engine oils must be renewed at the time recommended in the vehicle catalog.